

  Speaking of dreams, one of mine was to write at least one book. The purpose of it was to give me a purpose in life, something that would symbolize a little seed of mine in this world, a footprint on the sands of time. Perhaps something pretentious. Perhaps a pretext to perpetuate myself when I was no more than dust and shadow. In this journey of letters and forms, I have tried to seek excellence, to feel proud of myself for a job well done. However, I have also learned by trial and error that, in spite of my dedication, to make mistakes would be that stamp that, as a human, I would carry in everything I did. As Agent Smith said in The Matrix, “it is inevitable.” Why does it hurt so much to make a mistake? In my case, I do feel pain. It's like when you get your heart broken, you feel something tearing inside you, although your body remains intact. I have even gone through all the stages of grief. Two months ago, when I visited my doctor for a check-up, he asked me, How is your p


Hello to all my readers. It is with great joy that I announce that my book is now available in all formats (paperback, ebook and audiobook). It has not been easy but I am happy to have this book written with love and drawn with passion. For now it is only available in Spanish, I hope it will soon be translated into English. However, I anticipate the title, synopsis and a review of my book. I will be with news in a short time. A warm hug to all of you. Love, Angela. SYNOPSIS 111 Stories in Black and White is an anthology of stories in which the reader enters into different emotional labyrinths. They are voices that cry out to be read because anyone could identify with any feeling, such as love, hate, sadness, rejection, heartbreak or frustration. They are short stories that are accompanied by drawings or photographs made by the author. In this way, she intends that her readers can discover beyond the magic of words, the visual connection of feeling. This work shows how complex we are,


  By Ángela López INTOXICATED WITH LIES "Hide me deep inside you, where no one can rescue me. I surrender, my destroyed soul can no longer be among the brave who still continue to face this cowardly world and its creatures. I just want to close my eyes to see again those clouds where the innocence of that little boy told me about happy endings. Please, no more cruel truths, lie to me with impunity.  Tell me that Helios is able to warm my icy heart and that my burning hatred can be quenched by Poseidon. Make me believe that, in Hell, the beautiful Persephone waits for me.  Never have my sorrows drowned me, until today.  I never knew the taste of defeat, until today. Now I will immerse myself in my own sorrow and embrace it inside this bottle. Each sip will satiate my longing for happiness… Oh sweet bitterness! What it was never possible for me to touch, I will drink then. No! It is not a farewell, it is the beginning of a happy hangover far from sober reality".  - Angela Lopez


By Ángela López I like you, pain; you remind me that I am still breathing.   As long as you continue to sleep by my side, this body will continue to cling to the warmth of the agony to which you have condemned me.   For years I have cursed you, but one fine day surrender knocked at my door, my knees finally bent before you, dear adversary. My decision was not due to lack of courage, but to the weariness of an absurd struggle; I wanted to change the result, when in reality mathematics is exact, one plus one will always be two, it will never be zero.   Poor innocent me when I tried to reject what made me different from the others, no one can run away from his shadow. The answer was always Acceptance. Raised under the religious bosom, I remembered the words of the New Testament in the Gospel according to Luke that says: "to him who strikes you on one cheek, present the other also…".   I have tattooed this advice in my heart to understand that I cannot fight against pain; on the


By Ángela López I remember how books and I fell in love in that humble library; I, longing to feel that immortal beauty between my hands; they, waiting to be undressed by my dreamy eyes. That time when my candorous imagination was seduced by the irresistible letters, and so, from "A" to "Z", reading intoxicated me eternally with its sweet love. Yes!... How not to hypnotize me listening to the great Dostoyevsky philosophizing about society and its behavior? Or how to prevent Horace from tattooing his Carpe Diem on my heart? Not to mention Neruda, have I ever seen anyone else write the saddest verses that night? Although the one who always accompanied me in my stormy thoughts was sweet Jane Austen, who else but her could teach me to vanish pride and prejudice through love? captivating the letters are, either to read them or to caress their forms! However, time forgot the old literary meeting table, and brought with it a device small enough to fit in my insep


By Ángela López The differences between us human beings is fascinating.   Unique and irremediably beautiful in our own way.   Unfortunately, it takes us years of painful experiences to reach the feeling of appreciation for ourselves. When I was a child I couldn't fit into any group, I just liked to be alone in my world, which consisted of reading, drawing and running around.   I hated it when anyone else tried to draw me into childhood activities, but on the other hand, when I saw someone suffering, I would step out of my bubble to try to help.   As I got older I developed something that from my point of view is the ability to step into other people's shoes. So, when a waiter or waitress is unkind, I simply imagine a lot of possibilities as to why they are being mean; then, to the bad attitude, I return a warm smile.   However, I am still a very lonely woman who enjoys little or no parties with friends or family gatherings. For many, I am arrogant, conceited, with pretensions


By Ángela López After months of absence from my blog, I'm finally here.  During all this time I have been struggling to regain my health, having enough time to reflect on something called Freedom. How free I was before, and how imprisoned I feel now! Although I am a quiet and introverted woman, the truth is that I am very dynamic with my tasks; such as physical exercise, writing, editing and drawing.  However, due to the mind-body contradiction, it was impossible for me to do everything I have always been passionate about doing. My mind said that this condition would not represent something difficult to overcome, but my body was sending me another message: "you are in a lot of pain." So, seeing that my positive thinking was not enough for my body to regain its strength, I had a conversation with myself. I accepted the fact that I was sick, then I asked myself: will I be able to recover? In those days, Deepak Chopra's book Unconditional Life