By Ángela López

It is no secret that Alexander III of Macedon, called the Great, is one of the most renowned conquerors in our history. For twelve years he was leading military campaigns and conquests.  Probably, this powerful man also came to feel desolate in the midst of so much land; Nevertheless, his hunger to dominate, coupled with his fervent desire to find the exact place where the Earth ended, prevented this man from adding the word "surrender" to his lexicon. And that's how we humans are; beings who need to feel the thrill of achievement, that we have discovered something or mastered something. Of course, the goal always differs depending on our values. For example; some men dedicate their efforts to be the best father, some women focus on declaring their independence over the macho culture, and others might invest their whole life in search of their soul mate. And what do you invest your energy in?

However, to reach that which marks our North, the topography of the terrain will challenge us, bring us down, and even test the reason we started in the first place. Therefore, we will have to prove that we are really willing to pay the price, because nothing worthwhile will be easy. Fortunately, we have countless strategies for getting out of crises. People say that repetition is the mother of all learning, so I will say it once again: "how bad we are feeling right now, will not be the common denominator of our tomorrow, let alone our future." Don't be hypnotized by mental lies that are only assumptions, but not realities. In other blogs I have shared with you some of my resources to get out of anguish, well, today I will tell you about another one that I used in due time when I naively thought that my world was collapsing.

Many years ago, I left little pieces of my heart scattered all over the road in the hope of returning home someday. I admit that Hansel's pebbles were the smarter choice; however, don't blame me, back then all I possessed was the innocence of infatuation.  One day, suffocated by so much sadness, I decided to run, yes, literally run! Although I felt I was running lifelessly, because I thought I had become a soul in pain trying to escape from the clutches of Purgatory.  I cried, but I ran without giving up, the dear wind taking my tears with it. How could I not love that life-giving current of air? It was at its side that I discovered what it was really capable of carrying. Come to think of it, back then my oxygen tank was never depleted despite the miles traveled, and my legs were never bowed by fatigue.  My whole being dominated from start to finish that endless race.  That's right dear reader, as you may have noticed, I was part of that crowd that ran alongside Forrest Gump.

If we love to feel like true champions, it is imperative to keep in mind that in order to reach the finish line, we must first understand that it is not about avoiding falling, but about learning to get up no matter how hurt we are. That is why I think that, although we still do not manage to live in harmony as a society, since time and time again we fall into hatred, we will always have to get up and keep looking for that beauty of love that is so hard for us to embrace. So, don't give up dear friend; go after your purpose. And always remember that the road is neither flat nor straight, you get up and run (or fly if you prefer). Don't tire of giving kindness to humanity either, your contribution does make a difference. Think about it! If the slight flutter of a butterfly's wings can be felt on the other side of the world, how much more so can the warmth of your heart be felt on the coldest side of the world. 



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